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To be or not to be
The army is an integral part of Israel. And Israel is also called the holy land, given that three religions trace their roots to this country. But sadly these two crucial aspects have led to trouble for the country.

(Above) A jewish man and a soldier praying at the western wall, Jerusalem.
Objects were studied and form inspirations were derived from both, the army and the religion and were fused to create the souvenirs.
The stark contrast between the positivity of the religious emblem and the negativity associated with ammunition, is brought forth with their fusion; making one question the affects of the age-old dispute.
The form of a gun slider fused with the form of the Mezuzah

The hand gesture of a gun slider fused with the form of the Hamsa

The form of a bullet fused with the form of the Dradle

It’s a land of history; of a wall that saw empires rise and fall.
It’s a land of holiness; of g-d, of Jesus, of Muhammad.
It’s a land of diversity; of desert, of sea, of snow
It’s the home of the brave
And the child of hope.
Because religion isn’t the cause of war; it’s an excuse
Look through the mirage; and make one the two,
to dream a bright future, of peace, of blessings and the truth
(Above) The prose in the packaging designed for the souvenirs
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