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Pedagogy 2.0 represents a set of approaches and strategies that differs from teaching as a didactic practice of passing on information; instead, it advocates a model of learning in which students are empowered to participate, communicate, and create knowledge, exercising a high level of agency and control over the entire learning process.

(Above) A student of The Ahmedabad Montessori School
While conducting research for the aforementioned systems project, school visits were conducted to get a first-hand experience of the environment as well as converse with educators. Some challenges that were unearthed are:
Funding and resource disparity
Not all schools receive or have at their disposal, significant resources, to invest in new facilities, training programs, emerging tech or spaces. Schools catering to students from lower-income groups especially face setback.
Simultaneously, any new addition to the education system will have to be scalable for it to be effective for all ages and affordable by all institutions.
What kind of play-way method can we develop that is scalable, accessible and easy to use?
Inspired by the 6 stages of Bloom's Taxonomy- a set of 3 hierarchical models used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity-, the WhatNot Game was developed as a hexagonal board game.

1. Ideating and designing the board game
3. Sending the prototype to the paint shop
2. Laser cutting the MDF for the prototype
4. Creating ‘Hot Questions’ from textbook curriculum
6. Placing the cards on the assembled board
5. Assembling all the different layers of the board

Along with it, a user manual was also developed that helps any relevant facilitator, guide a WhatNot session efficiently.
The WhatNot board game has 6 tiers-
Being a flat-pack board design, not only is the game lightweight and portable but the printed cards can be changed according to any topic, making them scalable for any grade or subject.
We played the Whatnot game with 6 students at the Airport School Association, Ahmedabad. Students chose to play and learn about ‘Health’ and the gameplay took an hour.
Going through the level-wise process of the game, everyone participated in open discussions making way for peer led learning. Each student ended up choosing a problem and prototyping potential solutions for the same.

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